keep on rockin' dood! ROCK ON!!!!! it is AwSoMe!
keep on rockin' dood! ROCK ON!!!!! it is AwSoMe!
thats funny. you do have a talent for gituar though. nice keep it up
One of those sugar induced ideas that I had one day. That's not really how I sing. I recorded my voice late at night in my room. My parents were asleep in the next room so I was trying not to wake them up. lol
not too shabby
you took a midi file and remixed it in reason didn't you? not bad. keep it up DOOD.
Fl Studio, actually. I haven't tried Reason yet. I've always used Fl Studio. I might try some of the other sequencing programs just for craps and giggles though. Glad you liked it.
LOL, you remixed butta fly. fun! nice. keep it up dood!
Joined on 3/5/06